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Behind the scenes, London Fashion Week

The glitz, the glamour, the flashing lights as a thousand cameras click in unison and the 20 minutes of pure perfection as a unique showcase comes to life … pale in comparison to the lead up!

It’s not often we in the “biz” talk about what goes on before the big day, the blood, sweat and tears. The primping and pruning, the lugging of luggage across continents and the tantrums as pre-show jitters overtake everyone involved.

Not to mention the loving and painstaking hours that go into the creation of each piece, getting them just right and perfectly placed for their big day!

We thought we would share some of our fond memories from behind the scenes with you and give you a sneak peek into the world that exists behind the sparkle …

Lugging Luggage

Models in waiting


Now what goes where ...

Last minute fixes

All stations go

A quick adjust here ...

and here ...



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